Science In Real Time (Unit 2)

An outline is one of the basic steps in writing a cohesive literary piece. A writer’s course of action depends on the initial outline she draws in order to portray a main focus. In turn, a draft heavily relies on the set outline of the writer. This part illustrates how a good outline assist in achieving an exceptional written work.


Explain how Vietnam successfully contained the virus? Was it through media control, public policies, or health warnings?

What safety precautions did the government implement? Why?

Did the pandemic become a political debate for them?

Illustrate how the world is now interconnected because of COVID-19.

How crucial is the government’s role in mitigating the pandemic worldwide?

Discussion Board Response:

In the case of most Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, Taiwan, etc., their government were able to put forward a systemized plan of prevention and control as early as January. Some strategies incorporated were border-control, airport screening from countries with known covid-19 cases, implementation of masks in stores, strict quarantine, increased testing capacity, etc. Real-time tracking software about covid-19 cases and masks inventory were also made accessible to the government as well as the public which greatly contributed to their diminished covid-19 cases. The plan came about from multiple lessons they learned during the 2002-2004 SARS-Cov outbreak – an acute respiratory illness. SARS-Cov had flu-like symptoms much like today’s covid-19 and also resulted in similar devastating effects in the healthcare system, economic, and people.

As many of us expressed, the pandemic is undeniably so extensive and interconnected that there is now mistrust between the public and the scientific community. Inconsistent statements, confusing guidelines, false information are some of the factors that contributed to this. From my perspective, the government had a crucial role to how the effects of the virus developed to what it is today. Had our government been more proactive in mitigating covid-19 especially in the affected states by implementing immediate guidelines and restrictions, then I believe we would have prevented the rapid increase of covid-19 cases as well as its deaths. And with the recent news of how the second wave is affecting Europe, I am worried about how it will be for us in the coming months where lower temperatures, reopening of schools and establishments, and flu cases are prevalent.